• meditation/self development groups

    Meditation and Self development groups run on a regular basis. Men and woman inclusive. We open up a living temple of light for healing and transformation including; 12 chakra guided meditation, journey work, High Self Integration, psychic development understanding the language of the soul, Absent healing, World healing, sacred chanting and Sanskrit prayer. Participants need to be clean living and drug free. For details of what days and times we are running the groups please call Benita directly.

  • Fire Ceremony

    Ancient Vedic Fire Homa or ceremony is performed for the benefit of all and cleansing and purification of subtle realms. Every few months usually on an auspicious astrological day we have Yogi from various traditions come and perform fire Homa/ceremony. These events are FREE conducted outside on scared space on sacred earth farm!

  • Shamanic Healing Circle

    These circles are usually done on Full moon or new moon or auspicious astrological time including equinox and solstice. Outside with fire, drums and other instruments we sing do prayer and healing to connect with Earth and ancient spirits of the earth. Facilitator Benita Davis and visiting shamans. $30

Upcoming events.