growing food

  • Vegetables

    Whilst we are not a market garden we do aim to be as self sufficient as possible growing as many vegetables as we can. We attempt grow all the basic annual crops, as well as establishing ‘survival gardens’ packed with nutrient dense perennial sub tropical vegetables such as cassava, turmeric, ginger, wild spinach, arrow root, sweet potatoes, perineal beans.

  • fruit trees

    Our aim is to grow a diversity of fruit trees so there is always something fruiting throughout the year. We have managed to put in about 160 trees ranging from citrus, nuts mangos and rare tropical varieties from all over the world. Imagine one day a beautiful botanical garden of fruit trees with meandering paths and wandering geese. For our self sufficiency needs this will be truely be natures pharmacy! Excess produce is being sold in local markets to help fund farm projects and feed our animals. All produce grown 100% organically (not certified) spray free, chemical free.

  • Free Range Eggs

    We recently acquired our registration/stamp as a small time producer selling our rich free range eggs for eating. You’ll find them in local stores or buy direct from the farm. $8 doz chicken eggs $10 doz duck eggs.


vitamin rich

free range eggs

Volunteer help on our farm

  • learn basic animal husbandry chickens, geese, ducks turkeys

  • learn how to grow your own vegetables

  • compost and worm farms

  • building soils

  • come for a day visit help for a few hours, or a few days with free camping!